January is a time of new beginnings, and many of us are in contemplation about how to shape the year ahead.
But the statistics on how successful people are at keeping their “resolutions” are grim. We set out with great intentions and even think we are committed to “do what it takes” to accomplish our plans, but more often than not we don’t succeed.
I believe this is because we set goals or intentions based on what we THINK we want to accomplish (or what someone else says we should do), never checking with our built-in Authority to see if it agrees with us.
This is where we set ourselves up for possible failure. When our Authority (which is NEVER in our mind) is not giving us a “yes,” we lack 100% commitment, which sows the seeds of failure even before we begin.
But there is hope! I offer the following suggestions for how to set goals that are in alignment with your particular Authority. Find your Authority, give it a try and see what happens!
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Start by creating a list of all the goals you are considering for 2025, putting each one on 3×5 card. Don’t worry if you can’t think of them all. You can always add more cards.
Then try the following suggestion for your Authority.
Emotional Authority: note how you feel about each one on the back of its card. Set the cards aside, then come back every day for a few days and for each goal, tune into how you FEEL about it. Maybe even note on the back of the card how you are feeling about each goal that day. At some point, you will be EMOTIONALLY CLEAR whether it’s a yes or no. Do not commit until you are clear that it’s CORRECT for you. In other words, you have NO EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT to the goal. You just know it’s right for you.
Sacral Authority: one at time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your gut–your lower belly. Do you get a YES? Do you hear an “un-huh”? Does your energy rise when you look at that goal? Are you pulled toward that goal? If not, then your answer for that goal is either NOT NOW or NO. Set that goal aside for some future time. For the ones you get a YES, your Life Force wants to put energy into those goals.
Splenic Authority: one at a time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your senses and intuition. Your Spleen will give a subtle impulse or even a whisper response…just like when you enter a restaurant and know immediately whether it’s safe to eat there. If you know INSTANTLY this goal is for you, then go for it. If you find you’re in your head THINKING about it, you’ve missed your Spleen’s response. Set that goal aside for some future review.
Heart Authority: lay out all the goals in front of you, deeply looking at each one. Which one(s) do you hear yourself saying “I want that!” Separate the goals into three piles, one that you clearly KNOW you want, one that you are not sure about, and one that you don’t want right now. Put the last two piles aside for a later review, then go for the ones your heart clearly wants.
Self Authority: one at a time, read the goal, then hold its card up to your chest, close your eyes and put your attention in your deep heart–the area in the middle of your chest where your Self Center lives. LISTEN quietly. What is it telling you? Does this goal reflect WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Does it take you in the DIRECTION you want to go? If you don’t get a clear answer, then put that goal aside for a later review. Your Self Center will know the correct time for you to take up your goals. For the goals your Self Center chose, proceed.
Outer Authority: one at a time, take a goal and INVESTIGATE the goal, EXPLORING what it means to you. Who do you need to speak with to learn more? What do you need to know? How would you go about taking action for this goal? What is your inner experience of this goal? This could take days, possibly a full lunar cycle (29 days), but the key is to take your time to EXPLORE each goal. You will know what is right when you have RESEARCHED enough.
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Want to learn how Human Design and Authority actually work?
My long-term colleague Shantamo Kamstra and I have created a 3-month online course, where we are personally accompanying a select group on their journey into the world of Human Design. In addition to learning about the most important keys in Human Design, you will go deeper and learn how to link your Authority with your Wisdom Stream–your built-in wisdom system.
Though our course Human Design Elementals has started it is still possible to join in the next few days.
This window closes on Jan 6th. So don’t delay!
Have fun playing with setting goals using your Authority! If you’d like some help, send me an email, and we can schedule a time to chat!