Using your Authority to Set Your Goals

January is a time of new beginnings, and many of us are in contemplation about how to shape the year ahead.

But the statistics on how successful people are at keeping their “resolutions” are grim. We set out with great intentions and even think we are committed to “do what it takes” to accomplish our plans, but more often than not we don’t succeed.

I believe this is because we set goals or intentions based on what we THINK we want to accomplish (or what someone else says we should do), never checking with our built-in Authority to see if it agrees with us.

But there is hope! I offer the following suggestions for how to set goals that are in alignment with your particular Authority. Find your Authority, give it a try and see what happens!

Start by creating a list of all the goals you are considering for 2025, putting each one on 3×5 card. Don’t worry if you can’t think of them all. You can always add more cards.

Then try the following suggestion for your Authority.

Sacral Authority: one at time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your gut–your lower belly. Do you get a YES? Do you hear an “un-huh”? Does your energy rise when you look at that goal? Are you pulled toward that goal? If not, then your answer for that goal is either NOT NOW or NO. Set that goal aside for some future time. For the ones you get a YES, your Life Force wants to put energy into those goals.

Splenic Authority: one at a time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your senses and intuition. Your Spleen will give a subtle impulse or even a whisper response…just like when you enter a restaurant and know immediately whether it’s safe to eat there. If you know INSTANTLY this goal is for you, then go for it. If you find you’re in your head THINKING about it, you’ve missed your Spleen’s response. Set that goal aside for some future review.

Heart Authority: lay out all the goals in front of you, deeply looking at each one. Which one(s) do you hear yourself saying “I want that!” Separate the goals into three piles, one that you clearly KNOW you want, one that you are not sure about, and one that you don’t want right now. Put the last two piles aside for a later review, then go for the ones your heart clearly wants.

Self Authority: one at a time, read the goal, then hold its card up to your chest, close your eyes and put your attention in your deep heart–the area in the middle of your chest where your Self Center lives. LISTEN quietly. What is it telling you? Does this goal reflect WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Does it take you in the DIRECTION you want to go? If you don’t get a clear answer, then put that goal aside for a later review. Your Self Center will know the correct time for you to take up your goals. For the goals your Self Center chose, proceed.

Outer Authority: one at a time, take a goal and INVESTIGATE the goal, EXPLORING what it means to you. Who do you need to speak with to learn more? What do you need to know? How would you go about taking action for this goal? What is your inner experience of this goal? This could take days, possibly a full lunar cycle (29 days), but the key is to take your time to EXPLORE each goal. You will know what is right when you have RESEARCHED enough.

Want to learn how Human Design and Authority actually work?

My long-term colleague Shantamo Kamstra and I have created a 3-month online course, where we are personally accompanying a select group on their journey into the world of Human Design. In addition to learning about the most important keys in Human Design, you will go deeper and learn how to link your Authority with your Wisdom Stream–your built-in wisdom system.

Though our course Human Design Elementals has started it is still possible to join in the next few days.

Have fun playing with setting goals using your Authority! If you’d like some help, send me an email, and we can schedule a time to chat!

The Darkening of the Light

On October 1st the planet Neptune entered Gate/Gene Key* 36, and will stay there until February 10th. For all of us Neptune is activating this frequency in our DNA, whether you have it in your design or not. Over the next three plus months, it will push us into emotional, mental or even physical turbulence to give us the opportunity to transcend our suffering and fear of an uncertain future—our fear that at any moment disaster could strike.

Gate/Gene Key 36 is located in the Emotion Center, so its quality is always related to emotions. During this time of inner turbulence and outer instability, understanding how to navigate Neptune’s influence can help guide you through.

Human Design and Gene Keys give us insight into Neptune’s influence and provide a path to transforming your fear and suffering into compassion and open-heartedness. Here is my understanding of Gate/Gene Key 36.

Human Design Gate 36: The Darkening of the Light

When facing a new experience, you frequently may feel a sense of crisis, causing you to pause and evaluate whether to move forward or retreat. Even though crisis can feel debilitating and discouraging, once you embrace the experience and allow all the emotions to flow through you, you will gain wisdom and an inner brightness that will serve you and support others. 

Gene Key 36: From the Shadow of Turbulence to the Gift of Humanity

Uncertainty about the future creates a deep sense of unease or Turbulence. When it becomes extreme, it can throw you into a “Dark Night of the Soul,” where you feel like life itself has abandoned you. But Turbulence has a purpose. It pushes you expand into a higher state, becoming confident in your ability to navigate uncertainty and discern what is truly dangerous and what is not. Gene Key 36 offers you the opportunity to transcend your emotional suffering and break out of a pattern of fear, overwhelm and unease that keeps you trapped reacting, shutting down or repressing your pain. 

Suffering has only one purpose: to crack you open. Until you look deeply into your darkness, you will be presented with suffering after suffering, being shown the same lessons, until you choose to evolve past your emotional turbulence.

Neptune’s function is to help you develop self-observation—an ability to witness what’s transpiring inside you. It’s asking you to identify where you are vulnerable to mistaking wishes and fears for reality. Neptune’s non-resourceful influence can create overwhelm, confusion, escapism and delusions. If you are feeling these, it is urging you to look deeply within yourself and transform your fears.

If you are feeling emotional turbulence and unease in your life, Neptune and Gene Key 36 are calling you to look deeply within and embrace your fears openly and honestly. It’s a perfect time to practice The Art of Contemplation**. This will begin to transform your suffering, helping you embrace your emotional healing. As you develop your self-observation, you will evolve beyond your self-obsession and open your heart to life, giving you clearer and more profound emotional experiences without being overtaken by them.

When you no longer fear uncertainty, trusting your heart, you will realize that life is full of pain and pleasure, but you no longer will be a victim of these. You will be able to remain open-hearted to everything and will find compassion for others trapped in Turbulence, establishing you in the gift of Humanity.

If you would like to understand specifically how this impacts your design, fill out the form below or send me an email [info (at) nancylynnmonson (dot) com], and we can explore your opportunity to heal and grow with Neptune and Gene Key 36!

* Gates are also known as Gene Keys, which is a companion system to Human Design that was founded by Richard Rudd. The Gene Keys system stands alone as complete, but is most powerful when used in combination with Human Design. 


** Rudd, Richard. The Art of Contemplation: Gentle Path to Wholeness and Prosperity. Gene Keys, 2018.

Rudd, Richard. Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA. Watkins, 2015.

Parkyn, Chetan. The Book of Lines: a 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes. Harper Collins UK, 2012.

Parkyn, Chetan. Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born To Be. New World Library, 2009.

Forrest, Steven. The Inner Sky. Seven Paws Press, 2012.

Winter – A time for reflection and visioning

December marks the beginning of the winter season. The light wanes here in the Northern Hemisphere, and cooler temperatures dominate the day. 

It is a time of deep silence and retreat, when Nature stops, rests and gathers strength and wisdom for the coming burst of new life in the spring. In the silence of winter, is the opportunity to discover your own essence, deep in your heart. 

Many years ago in my spiritual guidance training, we learned that our soul lives in our deep heart—the area of our heart that is beyond our ego and everyday experience. It is the deep heart, where our soul lives, that whispers to us guidance on how to live our most fulfilling life, far beyond what our minds can imagine.

Each winter, Nature calls us to stop, go within, and reconnect with the wisdom of our own heart. It is there that our soul can share with us what we long to hear—the way to live a truly glorious life that allows us to bring out our full potential and live our deepest purpose.

Our soul follows the same seasonal rhythms as Nature. It goes through a rebirth just like most of the natural world. For our soul, winter is a time of letting go, clearing out all that has been from the previous seasons, and creating space for what wishes to be birthed in the coming year. If we take the time to go deeply within and cultivate inner silence, we will start to hear what our soul longs to create in the coming year.

The challenge that many of us face in December is the pull of many outward demands on our time: attending holiday gatherings, completing end-of-year work activities, entertaining guests, shopping for gifts, spending time with our families and friends. These demands can put us in direct conflict with the soul’s call to go inward. Very few of us can take the time to completely step out of our lives and turn deeply inward to commune with our soul.

And then January hits and most people scurry to set New Year’s Resolutions that, for the most part, don’t last much longer than February. When I was a gym member, I used to see the numbers of people at the gym spike in January, but wain by February.

There is a beautiful practice I am offer as a process to support your soul through this winter season. It has four steps, which you can do at your own pace, but ideally should be spaced out a few days apart to allow for time to distill the learning from each step.

  1. Harvest the seeds of the life you have lived
    • Take time to reflect on the past year and journal the answers to these questions.
      • What were your most important events and learnings?
      • How did those events influence and change you?
      • What are the learnings you will take forward into the New Year?
  2. Create space for the new life
    • Go through the different areas of your life and clean out everything that no longer has life or connection for you. You can do this literally by cleaning out your closets, desk drawers, files and cabinets. Unless you make space for a new life, there will be no room for something new to be birthed.
  3. Practice tuning into your deep heart—your soul
    • The birthing process takes time; it doesn’t happen overnight. Cultivate a daily practice of meditation, spending time in Nature, tuning in—whatever allows you to be in the silent space within where you can hear the whisperings of your soul. Practice patience.
  4. Sort out what is essential versus what is not
    • Evaluate all you are doing and identify what you can let go of. Simplify your life so that you make more time and space to support your inner process. Creation is a two-stage process. It occurs first internally before it occurs externally. The more you can support what is unfolding internally, the more you will start to see it occurring externally without effort. You will be attracting what is needed to support your soul’s unfoldment.

I encourage you to try this process and see how it impacts your life. In a time when there is so much pressure to “do,” the process will help you “be.” Being is a much more joyous experience and will help you attract what you need to live a fulfilling soul-directed life.

This winter season, I invite you to dive deep and connect with your soul so you can birth a more fulfilling life in 2024. I’ve created a worksheet that I share with my clients at the end of each year to help them create a heart-directed vision for the coming year. You can download it here if you would like to use it to guide you on creating your vision for 2024.

Lifting Weights and Impact Sports Are Necessary but Not Sufficient

So I had my third DEXA scan recently. My first one was in 2008, second in 2012, and now this one last December. Each one has shown my osteopenia worsening.

I went through menopause in 2007, took bio-identical hormones for several years to mitigate my crazy-bad hot flashes and night sweats, chronic “on edginess,” and constant brain fog (you know, walking into a room and not remembering why you came in).

Back then, there wasn’t a ton of information about the consequences of women’s sex hormones flatlining after menopause. We didn’t know the full extent of the roles of estrogen and progesterone. How estrogen supports insulin sensitivity, muscle protein synthesis (building lean muscle mass), bone density, heart health, cholesterol levels, mood stability, cortisol regulation, brain clarity, and the list goes on and on. WOW.

Had I known back then how important this information would be for my ongoing health, I would have done a few things differently.

Now we know that there is a LOT we can do compensate for the loss of our hormones and mitigate the dangers. The big ones being heart disease (women out pace men for heart attacks the older we get), diabetes (insulin resistance increases without estrogen), osteoporosis (without estrogen, we lose more bone than we build), loss of muscle mass (without estrogen, we have a much harder time building muscle) and fat gain (due to the increased cortisol and insulin resistance, we end up storing more fat).

I’ve lifted weights, run, hiked and backpacked (all those high-impact activities) pretty consistently for the last 40 years, so getting these bone-density scans that show I’m continuing to lose bone density have been disappointing and frustrating. I know that women tend to lose more bone density during the first few years after menopause, but given that my December scan showed even more bone loss, 15 years post menopause, has me baffled and a bit worried. As an outdoor endurance athlete, I don’t want to be nervous that falling cross-country skiing  or mountain biking will lead to a serious, possibly life-changing fracture.

While our biochemistry is complicated, what I have learned is this. It’s imperative that I continue my weight-bearing activities, but if I’m not getting enough calcium from my diet to support my body’s needs, my body will take it from my bones. Calcium plays a huge role in many of the body’s functions, including supporting athletic performance. With 99% of calcium stored in our bones, when the body needs more, it will take it from our bones.

Dairy happens to be one of the best ways to get dietary calcium. Unfortunately, I am sensitive to ALL dairy, even sheep and goat. It’s the casein protein in dairy that causes me congestion, making me cough and feeling like there’s a small man standing on my chest. I stopped all dairy back in 2012 when I tested sensitive to dairy. It ended my symptoms, but it never occurred to me that eliminating dairy would have a negative impact on my bone density.

After my last DEXA scan, my doctor recommended adding a calcium supplement to my mostly plant-based diet. I read several years ago that calcium supplements don’t always help and can cause other issues, so I’ve never taken them. After my doc’s recommendation, I did a little more research, and I discovered that calcium supplements increase the chance of a heart attack, stroke and early death! WOW. Not going down that road!

So, now what? I started researching the best non-dairy foods to make sure I’m getting my 1,200mg of dietary calcium every day (the recommended amount for women past 50), spreading it out during the day (the body can’t absorb any more than 500mg at one time). It’s not easy, but if I get 300mg of calcium at every meal plus 300mg in my recovery food, I could do it!

I discovered there are several plant-foods that have good levels of calcium. (other than dairy, animal foods do not contain much calcium, if any). Here are the ones I now make sure that I include in my diet. There’s a TON of information available on the calcium content of various foods, and I’ve found a LOT of variation in the data (even on the Nutrition Data on food packages). I offer the information below a guideline and not gospel.

FoodAmountCalcium (mg)
Almonds1/4 cup96
Almond butter1 Tbsp55
Amaranth1 cup, cooked115
Black beans (and most beans)1 cup, cooked100
Black strap molasses1 Tbsp180
Brazil nuts1/4 cup60
Broccoli or Brussels sprouts1 cup,cooked80
Collard greens1 cup, cooked300
Figs1 cup, dried240
Kale, any variety1cup, chopped90
Kale, any variety1 cup, cooked120
Orange1 medium65
Poppy seeds1 Tbsp125
Sesame seeds2 Tbsp90
Tahini2 Tbsp150
Tempeh3 oz, 1/3 cake100
Tofu1/2 cup, 4 oz 100

So the bottom line is this…

To maintain my bone density, not only do I have to stress my bones (through weight training, running, hiking), I have to make sure that I’m getting enough calcium (and Vitamin D!) to provide my body the right tools to keep my bones strong.

If you’d like to know how I’ve incorporated these foods into my diet, send me an email. I’m happy to share with you some of my recipes or help you create a meal plan that will increase your daily calcium intake.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into menopause health, check out Dr. Stacy Sims’ website. Her ongoing research on menopausal athletes can give you more detailed information on how to stay healthy and fit as we age. I’ve been studying with her for the past three years, and I’ve learned a TON of great information!

Stay tuned as I’ll share more of what I’ve learned about menopause, pre-diabetes and upward-creeping cholesterol, some of the other challenges we face when our hormones flatline.

Quinoa Kale Bowl ~ A Base Recipe You Can Easily Modify

This delicious dish brings together many fresh, healing foods to provide tasty nourishment using easy-to-find foods in your local grocery store. The preparation is simple, taking only 25 minutes. It keeps well in your refrigerator and can serve as a packable lunch, a side-dish or, topped with grilled salmon or chicken, a wholesome meal. It’s flexible and can be modified to create variety as your taste desires. Try mixing it with roasted vegetables for a tasty alternative.

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Number of Servings: 3 – 4 servings


  • 1 cup cooked quinoa (sprouted if you have access to it)
  • 1 small bunch kale (any variety), shredded (approximately 2 cups)
  • 3 medium carrots, grated (approximately 1 cup)
  • ½ red onion, diced (approximately ½ cup)
  • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped (approximately 1 cup)
  • 1 small bunch parsley (either flat or curly), finely chopped (approximately 1 cup)
  • ¼ – 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil (to your taste)
  • ½ lemon, juiced (approximately 1 Tbsp)
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


Combine quinoa, kale, carrots, red onion, tomatoes and parsley in a large bowl. Add olive oil and lemon juice. Stir until well mixed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Options when ready to eat

  • Sprinkle hulled hemp seeds or sunflower seeds on your serving to add protein
  • Add ¼ chopped avocado
  • Add a few sliced Kalamata olives
  • Add ¼ cup of fresh sauerkraut to increase the gut healing


  • This keeps well in an airtight glass container in the fridge for 3 – 4 days
  • To prepare quinoa, bring 1/2 cup of quinoa and 1 cup of water or broth to boil. Simmer covered for approximately 15 minutes or until the water/broth has been absorbed. Remove from heat, fluff with fork, and let cool before adding it to the other ingredients
  • Choose organic ingredients as much as possible, particularly the tomatoes as conventional ones are heavily sprayed.

Four Ways You Can Thrive in Menopause and Beyond

Last fall, I completed Dr Stacy Sims’ Menopause for Athletes course. I learned so much that applies to all women as we age, not just those of us who are super active. What I learned has had such a powerful positive impact on my life that I wanted to share it!

I never realized until I went through her course how important of a role our hormones–estrogen and progesterone–play in almost every part of our body’s health. In particular, estrogen helps us create and maintain lean muscle mass. It keeps our brains balanced, alert and calm. It supports maintaining and creating our strong bones. It keeps us from becoming insulin resistant by supporting a healthy metabolism.

So, when our estrogen flatlines, post menopause, several things happen that have negative influences on our short-term and long-term health.

  • We lose lean muscle mass and start to gain weight (primarily fat) even though we don’t make ANY change in our diet or activities
  • We start to lose bone density, exposing us to osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • We have a much harder time metabolizing glucose (sugar/carbohydrates), exposing us to pre-diabetes, diabetes and heart disease
  • We experience more anxiety, stress, brain fog and unexplained mood swings due to brain chemistry changes and higher cortisol levels
  • We experience hot flashes and night sweats because we lose the ability to naturally regulate our thermoregulation
  • These last two lead to our inability to get a good night’s sleep due to higher cortisol levels and hot flashes, leading to fatigue, brain fog and poor recovery from exercise

So what can we do to stay healthy, active, fit and on our game as we move into our wise woman years?

If you’d like help with understanding how to make positive changes to improve your health and address your menopause symptoms, click here to request a free consultation with me. Together we’ll help you start to make changes that can improve your quality of life and address your concerns.

What I learned in Dr Sims’ course can help us stay fit and healthy, and it only takes a few changes to our lifestyles. Here are four key actions that you can take to help compensate for your hormones flatlining.

1. Heal your gut

Having a healthy gut microbiome is essential to maintaining your health as gut health impacts so much of your overall health. When your gut is not healthy, you have increased fat storage, reduced energy availability, leaky gut issues, low-grade chronic inflammation, a weakened immune system, and increased stress and mood imbalances.* This means at minimum, you need to improve your gut health by eating a gut-healing diet. To learn how you can improve your gut check out my blog article, The Road to Health.

2. Get moving!

Exercise not only helps heal your gut, but it will increase muscle mass and bone density, stop unwanted weight gain, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce mood swings. While any moderate exercise is helpful, there are two specific types of exercise that are the very best at compensating for your lower hormones, specifically estrogen. I will write more about why these are so critical in future blog posts, but basically it comes down to these two things: lifting heavy stuff and intensity training. If you’re not already strength training or doing HIIT (high intensity interval training), you can learn more about how to get started by searching for beginning online programs. Doing long, slow “fat burning” sessions won’t help as they don’t stimulate the hormonal/biochemical factors that compensate for what your estrogen used to do.**

3. Ditch the simple carbs

That means stay away from foods like candy, syrups, table sugar, sugary drinks, fruit juice, products with added sugar, processed/fast foods, white bread, and sodas (including diet!). With low estrogen, you have a much harder time metabolizing glucose (sugar and simple carbohydrates), and that leads to increased fat storage and insulin resistance (along with increased cortisol as your low estrogen levels fail to down regulate circulating cortisol).

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates are good for you and support your gut health. These are foods like whole fruits, fresh vegetables, legumes, whole grains and starchy vegetables. Organic is always best!

Protein is your friend, particularly if you increase your protein intake (whey, eggs, soy, lean poultry, wild caught fish, plant-proteins, etc.) around your exercise, when your metabolism is receptive to protein intake to rebuild your muscles. For women, that “window” is only 30 minutes. So be sure to have 20-30 grams of good quality protein, along with your healthy carbohydrates, right after you finish your strength training or HIIT session (as well as your endurance/aerobic workouts longer than 60 minutes).

I’ll write more about this in future blogs, but for now, focus on getting LOTS of organic fresh veggies, whole fruit and lean protein in your diet. Don’t worry about fat other than to make sure you are focusing on high quality heart-and-gut healthy fats, like avocado, coconut, olive and grass-fed ghee. The more veggies and fruit the better as they will help your gut microbiome as well as fuel your body.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is where ALL recovery and repair happen. If you’re not getting good sleep, between 7 – 9 hours most nights, your body is not getting the rest and repair it needs. Without deep restorative sleep, you don’t recover from your workouts, eliminate the stress of your day or allow your mind to rebalance. Your reduced estrogen levels increase circulating cortisol as you no longer have the ability to down regulate it in your body. This makes sleep more challenging. It’s imperative that you get enough deep sleep to ensure that you give your body the opportunity to release its human growth hormone to repair and restore your body. Deep sleep can be illusive when your hormones flatline.

Having a good nighttime routine is essential to increasing your chances of having a good night’s sleep. Here are a few suggestions to help you slip into slumberland. Stop electronic work at least 2 hours before bedtime (longer is better, or at least use blue-filtering glasses if you must be on your computer or phone). Keep your bedroom cool, quiet and dark. Eliminate caffeine after 2pm. Make sure you finish your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. And maybe try a 30-minute yin yoga program (you can find them online) an hour before bed. If needed, there are many natural sleep aids to try, and from my own experience, I had to try several before I found a combination that works for me. Dr Sims recommends 4 oz of tart cherry juice and valerian supplements about 1 hour before bedtime.

I can help you address your menopause symptoms, click here to request a free consultation with me. Together we’ll help you start to make changes that can improve your quality of life and address your concerns.

Start implementing these four key actions to help your body stay strong and healthy, and mitigate the negative impacts of your declining hormones. It will take some time, but I assure you that you will regain your vitality and fitness, helping your body stay healthy and active long into your wise woman years!

* Jane A. Foster, Karen-Anne McVey. Trends in Neuroscience. Volume 36, Issue 5, p. 305-312, May 2013

** As with starting any new exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor first to ensure that your body is ready.

What Human Design and Gene Keys have taught me about my anxiety

On my walk this morning, I had an epiphany. I realized that my lifelong struggle with anxiety stemmed from the first seven years of my life…and it’s all there in my Design.

I have Gate 52 activated in my design—one of the gates in the Root Center. For me, Gate 52 was activated by Unconscious Venus, which in the Gene Keys system is the source of the “spiritual wound” I experienced during the first seven years of my life. Our spiritual wound sets up the story line for our life, and without recognizing and healing the story, our lives are victim to the lower, Shadow frequency of that activation. For Gate 52, the shadow frequency is Stress.

From what I can remember, the first seven years of my life were incredibly stressful for a child who is hypersensitive. I experienced a huge amount of change with, one by one, all four of my much older siblings, leaving home to start their own lives. By the time I was five, I was an only child. They had all left, married and started their own families. I was heartbroken and lonely, not understanding, as a five-year-old, why they had left me all alone.

My whole life I have struggled with managing my stress, dealing with chronic nervousness and anxiety, and at times dropping into depression—the other side of anxiety.

Several years ago, I spent a year studying Vedic Science at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, where I learned Ayurveda, the ancient framework of health. Ayurveda states that each person is born with some combination of three “doshas,” that make up our basic constitution*: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Me being thin and quick all of my life, I discovered that I have a fair amount of Vata in my constitution.

Vata is all about movement and air. Vata people are wiry, quick, thin, learn fast but forget fast, and are prone to poor digestion and sleep. The seat of Vata is in the gut—the lower part of the digestive system. When Vata is “out of balance,” it causes anxiety, nervousness, and digestive issues. Stress and poor diet aggravate Vata.

But it wasn’t until I had the epiphany on my morning walk, that I made the connection between my anxiety, my Vata tendencies, my childhood, my health and Gate 52!

Three months ago, I was diagnosed with Leaky Gut, a condition that I’ve struggled with off and on for years. (In January I wrote about Leaky Gut—excessive gut permeability—and what causes it.) I was recommended a specific diet and supplement protocol for nine weeks. The protocol recommended a Paleo diet—no processed foods, sugar, legumes (beans), grains or dairy. While I’ve been dairy and gluten free for years, I still ate grains and legumes even though they frequently gave me gastric distress.

I get pretty serious about following recommended protocols for my health. I dove in, cutting out all baked goods, sports gels and drinks, and the few remaining processed foods that I still enjoyed (I have had a serious potato chip addiction for most of my life). After getting my certification as a Culinary Nutrition Expert last December**, I had no trouble creating loads of yummy and nutritious meals that met my Paleo diet criteria. I added daily time outdoors and strength training to help me balance my overabundance of Vata by increasing my Kapha energy (Kapha qualities are solid, calm, steady and strong).

My gut and digestion have improved enormously! And, I’m calmer. My sleep is deeper and more restful. I laugh a lot more. I’ve slowed down. I take time to listen to the birds and look at the flowers and trees. My mind is clearer. I’m just happier and more at ease. I feel more grounded and solid.

Contemplating all of this on my morning walk was when I made the connection with my Human Design and Gene Keys. The gift quality of Gate 52 is Mountain! Healing my gut—the seat of Vata—helped me to move from being a Victim of Stress to the Gift of Mountain—strong, solid, peaceful, present, patient.

For over a year I have been exploring the question of whether there is a physical connection between our Human Design and Gene Keys. I wondered if the ancient system of health—Ayurveda—was a key to unlock this connection. At least for me, I have discovered a direct connection between the activations in my DNA—my Human Design—and my health.

My working theory is that there’s a similar connection for everyone. If I am correct, then linking Ayurveda to Human Design and Gene Keys can give us a system of diagnosis for improving our health and lifestyle to help us move out of our victim frequencies and into our gift frequencies!

I’m excited to explore this further! If you would like to as well, let’s talk! We can look at your Human Design and Gene Keys alongside your Ayurvedic doshas and health situation to see if there’s a connection. Use this link to schedule a call or send me an email to set up a time for a chat. I would love to explore this possibility with you!

* “Vpk® Dosha Quiz Explanation: Maharishi Ayurveda Products.” Maharishi Ayurveda Products International. The Art and Science of Health,

**Want to know more? Click here to read about my new program to help you makeover your diet to support optimum health.

Common Culinary Herbs for Your Immune System

There have been mountains of articles and posts on how to stay healthy and practice social-distancing during this pandemic, but I’ve only seen a few articles on how to support our bodies’ immune systems to keep us healthy and resilient.

I will be sharing with you recipes, practices and information on how to utilize common foods, herbs and spices to make easy, nourishing, healing foods that support your health and vitality. When we are under stress, our immune system is challenged, making it even more important to incorporate healing and nourishing foods to stay strong, calm and healthy.

Nature has provided us with many foods, herbs and spices that boost and support our immune systems and gut. With at least 70% of your immune system in your gut, it’s critical to take care of your gut’s health as well as support your overall immune system.

In my last post, The Road to Health, I shared a list of foods that heal the gut and foods to avoid. Focusing on the foods to favor will help your gut to heal, reduce inflammation, and support your immune system. I even provide a smoothie recipe you can try, which is quick, yummy and uses easy-to-find ingredients.

Many culinary herbs not only enrich your meals but have powerful healing properties. They can support your immune and respiratory systems, aid digestion and boost immunity. Here are three that you likely already have in your pantry.

Thyme: long known for its healing properties, this culinary herb can help a sore throat, improve bronchitis symptoms, reduce coughing from upper respiratory infections, boost immunity, ease stomach distress, and reduce inflammation. Its oil is even used in mouthwashes to kill germs. It’s thought to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.  

Lemon Balm: while culinary uses are varied, its traditional medicinal use was to lift the spirits by easing nervousness, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can aid digestion and act as an antihistamine. It is also recognized as an antiviral and antibacterial herb.

Fennel: one of the more widely used culinary and medicinal plants, fennel is most commonly used to aid digestion and help the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system. Fennel essential oil has been shown to contain more than 87 volatile compounds including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.

You can make a healing tea* by steeping 1 teaspoon of each of the above dried herbs in 10-oz of hot water, letting them steep covered for 10-15 minutes to make the tea “more medicinal.” Adding a little raw honey when the tea is just cool enough to drink can boost the antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits.

Raw Unfiltered Unpasteurized Honey: In this form, raw honey has many health benefits. It is filled with antioxidants which protect your body from cell damage by free radicals; it is antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic. It has been used to treat wounds because it is an effective germ killer and aids in tissue regeneration, boosting healing time and reducing infection. It can even sooth a sore through and calm a cough. The best honey for you is the raw, unfiltered honey that is local to your area. It will contain the most beneficial complex of ingredients to support your health.

When purchasing your dried herbs, be sure and look for organic as that ensures they have not been irradiated. Many herbs, particularly ones that have been imported from other countries, have been irradiated, which if not destroys, can greatly reduce the efficacy of the herbs’ delicate essential oils, what gives them their flavor and aroma and, of course, their medicinal properties. 

If you can’t find organic, look for ones with that carry the “non-radiated” label. 

Additionally, store all your herbs in glass or stainless-steel tightly-sealed containers, out of direct sunlight as the volatile oils are susceptible to air. Even stored correctly, they are best used within 3 – 6 months of purchase.

I hope you enjoy this delicious and nourishing herbal tea. May it support your immune system and your health!

* “Thyroid Healing Tea.” Thyroid Healing: the Truth behind Hashimoto's, Graves', Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, by Anthony William, Hay House, Inc., 2017, pp. 172–173.

The Road to Health: How I Healed My Autoimmune Disease

In the summer of 2007, I was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My doctor said my immune system was attacking my thyroid, causing it to be underactive. No matter how much I slept, I would still wake up exhausted. My memory and brain were foggy. I was cold all the time, wearing sweaters even when it was 80-degrees. I drug myself through work and struggled to maintain my exercise. I wasn’t recovering even though I was eating, what I thought was a healthy diet.

That summer began my long road back to health, and now after making changes in my diet and adopting a healthier lifestyle, I no longer take thyroid medication. I have no symptoms and my thyroid functions perfectly.

Along the way I learned that many autoimmune diseases are associated with “Leaky Gut Syndrome,” described as increased intestinal permeability. Pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa) or toxic substances literally leak through the walls of the intestines and enter the blood stream, creating widespread inflammation and reactions from the immune system.

It’s not just Hashimoto’s that is connected with leaky gut. Medical science has a long list of diseases associated with leaky gut: chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, autism, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, asthma, food allergies, chronic inflammation, obesity and diabetes.

Our diet has dramatically changed over the past 50 years. With the rise of processed “convenience” foods and fast food restaurants, the quality of our diet has severely declined. The American diet is full of hundreds of chemicals, dozens of known toxins, and foods designed in laboratories. This has coincided with the meteoric rise of autoimmune diseases.

It wasn’t until I stopped eating foods that were damaging my gut, inflaming my body and sending my immune system into overdrive, that I started to heal and get my health back. I focused on whole-foods that would heal my gut, restore my immune system and rejuvenate my thyroid. I am now healthy, free of joint pain and stiffness, sleeping soundly, with a clear mind and good digestion, and my workouts are even stronger.

How do you know if you suffer from a leaky gut? Here are the most common symptoms:

  • Bloating, gas and intestinal distress
  • Cramps
  • Chronic or extended periods of diarrheaand/or constipation
  • Food sensitivities
  • Chronic aches and pains
  • Lasting fatigue
  • Skin problems

If you have an autoimmune disease or symptoms of a leaky gut, here are some foods to choose and to avoid to begin your healing journey.

Foods that Heal Your Gut Foods to Avoid
Bone broth (from grass-fed beef, free range turkey or chicken) Gluten-containing foods and grains: wheat breads, pastas, cereals, flours, couscous, barley, rye, bulgur, seitan, oats
Kimchi or unpasteurized sauerkraut 

Wild blueberries
High sugarfoods and drinks, particularly with fructose: anything with high-fructose corn syrup, sugary beverages, sodas, cookies, candy, pies, pastries, sweets 
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegarAlcoholicbeverages: beer, wine, spirits, etc. 
Avocado Un-cultureddairy: milk, cheeses, ice cream, cottage cheese
Coconut oil Fast foods and highly-processed foods: foods with long ingredient lists that you don’t recognize 
Leafy greens: Spinach and Kale Highly processed fats: canola oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil

If you’d like to get started healing your gut, I have a recipe for you! I created this delicious and quick Gut Healing Smoothie. Each ingredient is beneficial for gut health as well as packed full of nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body.

Click on the image to download your free smoothie recipe!

The Wall

The fear gripped me; I could barely breathe. As I looked up at my white-knuckled hand frantically grasping the fraying root, I searched with hawk-like intensity the cliff wall for another handhold. A part of me knew that at any minute the root would snap, and I would plummet into the black yawning abyss below. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed and gasped for air through my constricted throat. My chest felt as if 200 pounds were pressing down on it. I was sure that at any moment the end would come.

With my free hand I probed the cliff wall, desperately seeking any possible other handhold. There had to be something else I could grab to feel safe, but I was unable to find anything in the crumbling burnt-red cliff wall.

Below my feet dangled in the vast airiness of the chasm. I could feel the void calling me, pulling me down. The voice in my head seemed to be coming from the black abyss below, “Just let go. It will be alright.”

How often over the past decades of my life had I heard that voice deep inside, and how often had my ego-personality responded in terror and resistance? I believed that letting go would mean death—dissolution, like a snail in salted water…dissolved away into nothingness…to fall forever in the darkness and emptiness…to become the emptiness…to be nothing. I fought even harder and clawed at the cliff. Anything is better than nothingness, even terror.

Why was this voice so sure that letting go would be alright? My ego-mind was completely baffled. Surely I would die. With every slip of my hand on the root, I was more sure of that fate. The fear-ball in the pit of my stomach validated that outcome. And yet the voice persisted.

All these years the situation has been the same. I find myself clinging to a crumbling reality, my ego believing that death is eminent. And the voice has always been there telling me that everything is alright and to just let go. Insane. How could “falling” be “alright?” How could “death” be “alright!?” Yet something, some small quiet place inside me knew that the voice spoke truth. My grip relaxed, and I slipped just a bit. Panic. My grip tightened.

Why do we struggle against letting go and trusting that deep inner voice that is trying to guide us? Why is letting go into the effortlessness of “falling” so terrifying to us that we stay clinging to the most devastating situations that hurt and disrespect who we are? We think we are “safe.” But we are trapped on our cliff wall of illusion, forever clinging to the imagined safety of our cliff-reality.

The ego-personality seems be obsessed with clinging to something, anything outside itself for validation, safety and “love.” Yet, never is true fulfillment achieved from that endless struggle. The sages say that fulfillment and true liberation come from within, from that black “abyss” inside us that seems so empty. How can that be? How can fulfillment come from emptiness? My ego-mind reels from the paradox and clings more feverishly to my cliff-reality. I slip a little further.

In the end, I’ll fall, whether I let go or just give up. I know that without doubt. And I also know at my deepest awareness—that small quiet place inside me—that falling will be a relief…a letting go of effort and struggle and pain. How long can I hold on? How long will I hold on? How long will my ego-personality continue to struggle and toil away searching and grasping for the perceived safety and love on the crumbling cliff-wall of my reality?

Salvation only exists in the letting go and trusting that the void that lives at the core of my being will set me free. It’s up to me when I choose to let go and fall into Love.