Human Design Partnership Program

When two individuals join together in any kind of relationship, it forms a new “energetic design.” The Human Design Partnership Program helps those in any type of partnership to understand how their two energy systems combine. It facilitates the partnership’s development, maximizing its potential and enjoyment.

Utilizing the power of the Human Design System in conjunction with the Gene Keys System, understanding the partners’ combined energetic design can support the relationship in the following ways:

  • Explains the basic energy type of the combined design
  • Identifies the most productive decision-making style for the relationship
  • Illuminates the areas where both see situations similarly
  • Identifies where there is energetic chemistry that provides opportunities to utilize the gifts created by the relationship
  • Pinpoints what each has available when together that is not available when alone
  • Reveals potential challenges in the relationship and provides suggestions on how to minimize their negative impact
  • Explains the uniqueness in each person
  • Denotes individuals’ life rhythms and how they may or may not resonate

Partnership Program Components

  • One 60-minute Human Design session for each partner to provide a basic understanding of their Human Design and how the system works
  • Human Design Relationship Report that outlines the above points and provides guidance to maximize the partnership potential
  • 90-minute Human Design Relationship joint session for the partners, covering in detail the Human Design Relationship Report, answering questions, and strategizing on how to optimize the partnership
  • BONUS: 30-minute check-in session to support the partners implementing their learnings from the program

Who is this for?

Couples who want to

  • Understand the dynamics of their relationship and desire to increase their joy, fulfillment and love in their partnership
  • Learn how to deal with the energetic challenges in the relationship and turn those challenges into benefits to help the relationship grow and deepen
  • Recognize and celebrate the unique differences each person brings to the relationship and learn how to appreciate those differences so they contribute to the relationship’s growth
  • Expand and deepen their connection for the mutual benefit and growth of each person

Business partners who wish to

  • Leverage the strengths of each partner in service of the business goals
  • Minimize the communication and energetic challenges that can derail and slow down the progress of the business
  • Recognize and celebrate the unique differences each person brings to the partnership and learn how to appreciate those differences so they support the business goals
  • Understand how to utilize the unique connections of the partnership to best support the business objectives and operations

If you would like to explore if this program is for you and your partner, use this link to request a complimentary consultation with me. I can answer any questions you might have and help you determine if this (or some other?) program is right for you and your partner!