Using your Authority to Set Your Goals

January is a time of new beginnings, and many of us are in contemplation about how to shape the year ahead.

But the statistics on how successful people are at keeping their “resolutions” are grim. We set out with great intentions and even think we are committed to “do what it takes” to accomplish our plans, but more often than not we don’t succeed.

I believe this is because we set goals or intentions based on what we THINK we want to accomplish (or what someone else says we should do), never checking with our built-in Authority to see if it agrees with us.

But there is hope! I offer the following suggestions for how to set goals that are in alignment with your particular Authority. Find your Authority, give it a try and see what happens!

Start by creating a list of all the goals you are considering for 2025, putting each one on 3×5 card. Don’t worry if you can’t think of them all. You can always add more cards.

Then try the following suggestion for your Authority.

Sacral Authority: one at time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your gut–your lower belly. Do you get a YES? Do you hear an “un-huh”? Does your energy rise when you look at that goal? Are you pulled toward that goal? If not, then your answer for that goal is either NOT NOW or NO. Set that goal aside for some future time. For the ones you get a YES, your Life Force wants to put energy into those goals.

Splenic Authority: one at a time, place each goal in front of you. Tune into your senses and intuition. Your Spleen will give a subtle impulse or even a whisper response…just like when you enter a restaurant and know immediately whether it’s safe to eat there. If you know INSTANTLY this goal is for you, then go for it. If you find you’re in your head THINKING about it, you’ve missed your Spleen’s response. Set that goal aside for some future review.

Heart Authority: lay out all the goals in front of you, deeply looking at each one. Which one(s) do you hear yourself saying “I want that!” Separate the goals into three piles, one that you clearly KNOW you want, one that you are not sure about, and one that you don’t want right now. Put the last two piles aside for a later review, then go for the ones your heart clearly wants.

Self Authority: one at a time, read the goal, then hold its card up to your chest, close your eyes and put your attention in your deep heart–the area in the middle of your chest where your Self Center lives. LISTEN quietly. What is it telling you? Does this goal reflect WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Does it take you in the DIRECTION you want to go? If you don’t get a clear answer, then put that goal aside for a later review. Your Self Center will know the correct time for you to take up your goals. For the goals your Self Center chose, proceed.

Outer Authority: one at a time, take a goal and INVESTIGATE the goal, EXPLORING what it means to you. Who do you need to speak with to learn more? What do you need to know? How would you go about taking action for this goal? What is your inner experience of this goal? This could take days, possibly a full lunar cycle (29 days), but the key is to take your time to EXPLORE each goal. You will know what is right when you have RESEARCHED enough.

Want to learn how Human Design and Authority actually work?

My long-term colleague Shantamo Kamstra and I have created a 3-month online course, where we are personally accompanying a select group on their journey into the world of Human Design. In addition to learning about the most important keys in Human Design, you will go deeper and learn how to link your Authority with your Wisdom Stream–your built-in wisdom system.

Though our course Human Design Elementals has started it is still possible to join in the next few days.

Have fun playing with setting goals using your Authority! If you’d like some help, send me an email, and we can schedule a time to chat!

The Darkening of the Light

On October 1st the planet Neptune entered Gate/Gene Key* 36, and will stay there until February 10th. For all of us Neptune is activating this frequency in our DNA, whether you have it in your design or not. Over the next three plus months, it will push us into emotional, mental or even physical turbulence to give us the opportunity to transcend our suffering and fear of an uncertain future—our fear that at any moment disaster could strike.

Gate/Gene Key 36 is located in the Emotion Center, so its quality is always related to emotions. During this time of inner turbulence and outer instability, understanding how to navigate Neptune’s influence can help guide you through.

Human Design and Gene Keys give us insight into Neptune’s influence and provide a path to transforming your fear and suffering into compassion and open-heartedness. Here is my understanding of Gate/Gene Key 36.

Human Design Gate 36: The Darkening of the Light

When facing a new experience, you frequently may feel a sense of crisis, causing you to pause and evaluate whether to move forward or retreat. Even though crisis can feel debilitating and discouraging, once you embrace the experience and allow all the emotions to flow through you, you will gain wisdom and an inner brightness that will serve you and support others. 

Gene Key 36: From the Shadow of Turbulence to the Gift of Humanity

Uncertainty about the future creates a deep sense of unease or Turbulence. When it becomes extreme, it can throw you into a “Dark Night of the Soul,” where you feel like life itself has abandoned you. But Turbulence has a purpose. It pushes you expand into a higher state, becoming confident in your ability to navigate uncertainty and discern what is truly dangerous and what is not. Gene Key 36 offers you the opportunity to transcend your emotional suffering and break out of a pattern of fear, overwhelm and unease that keeps you trapped reacting, shutting down or repressing your pain. 

Suffering has only one purpose: to crack you open. Until you look deeply into your darkness, you will be presented with suffering after suffering, being shown the same lessons, until you choose to evolve past your emotional turbulence.

Neptune’s function is to help you develop self-observation—an ability to witness what’s transpiring inside you. It’s asking you to identify where you are vulnerable to mistaking wishes and fears for reality. Neptune’s non-resourceful influence can create overwhelm, confusion, escapism and delusions. If you are feeling these, it is urging you to look deeply within yourself and transform your fears.

If you are feeling emotional turbulence and unease in your life, Neptune and Gene Key 36 are calling you to look deeply within and embrace your fears openly and honestly. It’s a perfect time to practice The Art of Contemplation**. This will begin to transform your suffering, helping you embrace your emotional healing. As you develop your self-observation, you will evolve beyond your self-obsession and open your heart to life, giving you clearer and more profound emotional experiences without being overtaken by them.

When you no longer fear uncertainty, trusting your heart, you will realize that life is full of pain and pleasure, but you no longer will be a victim of these. You will be able to remain open-hearted to everything and will find compassion for others trapped in Turbulence, establishing you in the gift of Humanity.

If you would like to understand specifically how this impacts your design, fill out the form below or send me an email [info (at) nancylynnmonson (dot) com], and we can explore your opportunity to heal and grow with Neptune and Gene Key 36!

* Gates are also known as Gene Keys, which is a companion system to Human Design that was founded by Richard Rudd. The Gene Keys system stands alone as complete, but is most powerful when used in combination with Human Design. 


** Rudd, Richard. The Art of Contemplation: Gentle Path to Wholeness and Prosperity. Gene Keys, 2018.

Rudd, Richard. Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA. Watkins, 2015.

Parkyn, Chetan. The Book of Lines: a 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes. Harper Collins UK, 2012.

Parkyn, Chetan. Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born To Be. New World Library, 2009.

Forrest, Steven. The Inner Sky. Seven Paws Press, 2012.

I Know I’m Meant for Something Greater

We are born with a profound purpose, but most of us lose connection with the truth of who we are not long after we are born. The challenges of parents and caregivers and society, even with the best of intentions, directing and reinforcing us to conform to some notion of who they think we are or want us to be creates a split in our psyche, typically in the first few years of our lives.

Then we spend the rest of our lives trying to unravel the acceptable persona that we have created to “fit in.”

That’s not what we were meant for. We are meant to be a unique expression of our soul’s purpose, buried in our DNA. In my 20-minute video, I share tips on how to reconnect with that purpose…your soul’s unique expression.

When we live our soul’s purpose, who we are meant to be, we experience joy, fulfillment, support and contribution. Our relationships are more loving and fulfilling. Our work in the world is more rewarding. Our health improves and we radiate a vital glow of joy that emanates from deep within.

Click on my image to watch my 20-minute video on the RHG TV network. I hope it will serve to connect you with the beautiful unique human being you are waiting to be born!

The Impact of Conditioning: How You Are Limiting Your Possibilities

Likely most of you have seen this picture at some point. It’s been around for many years. I used it 20 years ago when I taught Stephen Covey’s landmark personal effectiveness workshop, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

We would divide the workshop participants into two groups. One half would close their eyes, and we would briefly show the other half a similar drawing but was clearly an old lady with a scarf on her head. Then we would switch and have the other half briefly see a similar line drawing but was clearly a young lady wearing a necklace. We then had the entire group see this picture and asked them what they saw.

Almost unanimously those that had been shown either the young or old lady would immediately see the same lady in this picture. Many really struggled to see the opposite lady. We would even have to trace with our pointer the outline of the other lady to help their minds grasp the alternative reality in the picture. It was fascinating to see how easily everyone was “conditioned” to see a specific image!

This simple yet powerful exercise demonstrated how we see only what we are conditioned to see! True to Covey’s words,

“We see the world as we are, not as it is.”

The latest neuroscience research confirms this disturbing reality as it has discovered that as much as 80% of our behaviors are driven by our unconscious conditioning. This unconscious conditioning dramatically shapes our reality and therefore greatly influences our response to that “reality.” What we see in the world and how we respond depends on whether we have been conditioned to see either “the old lady” or “the young lady.”

But the truth is both the old lady and the young lady exist. Both “realities” exist, illuminating that there are many ways to see the world—to see reality. This simple exercise of how unconscious conditioning limits a person’s ability to see alternative perspectives begs the questions…

What are you not seeing in your life?

What opportunities are you missing?

What creative solutions are blind to you?

What do you perceive about your relationships that are shaped by your conditioning from earlier experiences?

What if the solutions to your challenges were right in front of you but you couldn’t see them?

With a limited perspective of reality, you hinder your ability to find creative solutions, see opportunities, respond to situations, and make truly conscious choices.

You are victim to your unconscious conditioning, reacting to situations in the same way over and over again, missing alternative perspectives that could potentially give you insight to a more creative, fulfilling and successful outcome…and life!

So how do you release your conditioning in order to expand your perception and interpretation of reality?

It starts with awareness.

The more you can stand apart from your thoughts, feelings and judgments, the more you can observe and be at choice. This takes practice and patience. Your conditioning has been functioning automatically for many years, and it will take time to “decondition” yourself. A regular meditation practice is incredibly helpful to cultivate this ability. If you don’t have one, you can start by sitting and focusing on your breath for 5 minutes each morning. This is an easy practice that can yield a huge return.

Be curious about a perspective that is different than yours.

If you “see the old lady” and someone else “sees the young lady,” be excited and inquisitive! Seek to really understand their perspective. This practice can foster a genuine curiosity in life—the key to eliminating judgment and evaluation which lock you into a limited perspective. Practice makes permanent; so the more you can seek first to understand instead of sharing your perspective, the more you will open yourself to other “realities.” You’ll start to cultivate the ability to see both the old lady and the young lady…and who knows what else?